
Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare

Original price was: 2,000.00 EGP.Current price is: 1,800.00 EGP.

  • The Elbow tendon brace is designed to immobilize the elbow.
  • It is used after surgeries and for elbow injuries.
  • It helps to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Elbow tendon brace helps the elbow to rest by taking the pressure off of it.
  • It helps to control swelling.
  • It is made in Taiwan.
(31 customer reviews)

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The post-op elbow brace AKA elbow tendon brace, is designed to immobilize the elbow to allow it to heal from several injury types.

It can be used after elbow surgeries that are operated in severe injuries such as fractures, severe conditions of Olecranon bursitis (AKA student’s elbow – draftsman’s elbow – miner’s elbow), severe conditions of osteoarthritis, and dislocation.

The bracing is also important in the following conditions:

Lateral epicondylitis, a type of tendons injury that occurs on the outside of the elbow. It is very common for personnel who perform repetitive motions for prolonged hours and day to day such as (painters, carpenters, cooks, and so on).

A dislocation or a fracture, you’d notice that the shape of you elbow changes, you’d be unable to move your joint, swelling may occur, and of course you’d feel pain.

Accidents and sports injuries, such as Osteochondritis dissecans AKA Panner’s Disease, it happens when small parts of the cartilage and bone become ejected from their original position, it is very common for athletes. The symptoms are inability to extend the joint and a feeling of sore and pain.

In addition to, ligaments sprain or strain, this can happen due to a fall, an accident, or sports injury.

The ligaments can be partially or completely torn, or over-stretched.

Sizes of Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare:

  • Default, Adjustable.

Direction of Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare:

  • Same brace for left or right arm.

Properties of Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare:

  • The elbow tendon brace is designed from best materials, supportive and durable.
  • It is supplied with a pillar and an angel meter, to accurately control the bending and stretching motion of the elbow.
  • The materials don’t cause allergies, itching, nor irritation.
  • It is supplied with 2 metal pillars on both sides, for a controlled grip over the elbow.
  • It is supplied with a strap to relief pain and stress off of the elbow.
  • Easy to use.


  • The elbow tendon brace is a great medical device that provides the elbow with stability, thermal therapy, and rest to allow the damaged tissues to heal.
  • The elbow injuries can be an injury to the arm muscles, tear in ligaments or tendons, fractures and dislocations, or an injury to the burses (a fluid sac protecting the elbow from the outside).
  • The earlier mentioned conditions need the brace to provide the following: rest, heat, immobilization, soft tissues support, stimulating the blood circulation, and compression.
  • Once these factors are established, the healing process will start and continue properly and rapidly.
  • Wearing the brace will help you regain your health, and with the help of physical therapy you’ll regain the range of motion.

Uses of Post-Op Elbow tendon brace | WellCare:

  • the elbow tendon brace is used post-surgeries.
  • It is used for the following conditions as well:
  1. Student’s elbow AKA miner’s elbow AKA draftsman’s elbow, the medical term is Olecranon bursitis.
  2. Lateral epicondylitis.
  3. Dislocation and fractures.
  4. Accidents and sports injuries.
  5. Osteochondritis dissecans AKA Panner’s Disease.
  6. Soft tissue injuries (tendons and ligaments sprains and strains).
  7. Adjustable immobilization of the elbow.

Benefits of Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare:

  • Wearing the elbow tendon brace will accelerate the healing process.
  • It will prevent re-injuries.
  • It’ll boost the effect of the medication.

Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare

  • Buy Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare at the best price in Egypt.
  • Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare is certified by the FDA.
  • Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare is 100% original.
  • Get Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare now and enjoy our best deals.
  • Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare is in a new condition.

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31 reviews for Post-Op Elbow Brace | WellCare

  1. Tarek Hassan (verified owner)

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    دايما منتجاتكوا رهيبه و دايما هتعامل معاكوا شكرا بجد علي منتجاتكوا

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    نصحني به احد الاصدقاء ويقول انه مفيد ونتائجه رائعة

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