The Albert André therapeutic below knee is a compression socks varicose veins for legs varicose veins.
It helps to reduce the velocity of the progression of the varicose veins, as well as.
the avoiding and the recovery from DVT (Deep veins thrombosis), which is a medical conditions happens when a blood clot forms commonly in the legs as a result of untended varicose veins.
It also helps to avoid and recover from ulcers that occur due to untended varicose veins.
When you use the below knee stocking, you’re targeting the swelling that occurs to the calf, it also helps to eliminate the feeling of heaviness that happens due to standing and sitting.
It is best to start losing weight, exercising, putting your logs in a horizontal position as long as possible,
and wearing the stocking right when you wake up before moving your legs at all.
If you’re diagnosed with varicose veins, do all precautions to avoid the worsening and the chance to have a medical surgery.
Sizes of Compression Socks:
- S, M, L, XL.
Properties of Albert André Therapeutic Below Knee compression socks varicose veins:
- The compression socks varicose veins are made in Italy form finest fabrics.
- It is made of 74% nylon, 18% lycra, and 8% spandex.
- It is super comfortable and highly elastic.
- It compresses the surface and deep veins perfectly.
- The varicose veins is a condition can happen due to age, after menopause for women, and can be due to inherited diseases in the family.
- The nature of the disease is a dysfunction of the valves in the veins.
- This dysfunction leads to blood reflux, and the kegs being the farthest from the heart, the blood accumulates easily in those veins causing dilation.
- The dilated veins are seen and felt easily under the skin, and this is what we call varicose veins.
- This condition is very common that almost quarter of the human adults suffer from it.
- Therefore, whenever you get diagnosed with that condition, take full precaution to avoid the progression, ulcers, blood clots, pain, and edema.
Uses of Albert André Therapeutic Below Knee compression socks varicose veins:
- The compression socks varicose veins are used for varicose veins in the legs.
- Venous conditions.
- Inflammation of the vein walls.
- DVT, deep vein thrombosis (deep veins blood clotting).
- The pain resulted from varicose veins.
- Swelling and edema below the knee.
- Heaviness in the leg.
Benefits of Albert André Therapeutic Below Knee compression socks varicose veins:
- The stocking will help you go throughout the day with less pain, swelling, and will adjust the valves in the veins to function more properly.
- It will help avoid the need of getting medical operation.
- It will help avoid ulcer s and blood clots.
Albert André Therapeutic Below Knee (brace)
- Buy compression socks at the best price in Egypt.
- Albert André Therapeutic Below Knee is certified by the FDA.
- Albert André Therapeutic Below Knee is 100% original.
- Get compression socks now and enjoy our best deals.
- Albert André Therapeutic Below Knee is in a new condition.
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