
Short Air Walking Boot | I-Care

Original price was: 3,500.00 EGP.Current price is: 3,150.00 EGP.

  • Short aircast walking boot is excellent for Charcot foot condition.
  • For maximum ankle stability.
  • For severe and moderate ankle sprains.
  • For post-surgical rehabilitation.
  • For weak foot and fractures.
  • It helps to prevent foot bone deformity.
  • For muscles and soft tissue injuries.
  • Beneficial for Hallux Valgus condition.
(31 customer reviews)

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I-Care Short Air Walking Boot is a medical aircast walking boot that has great benefits for foot injuries.

As a short medical shoe, it works on caring for Charcot foot. This condition is characterized by weakness of the foot bones. Which by time can cause foot bones fractures or/and deformity.

It is very important for those who are diagnosed with Charcot foot to work on alleviating the weight burden off of the foot, to reduce the rate of the fractures and deformity.

It is also designed for those with repeated ankle sprains, it provides the maximum stability for the ankle joint, it provides level 3 protection.

It is very important in the case of diabetic and neuropathy individuals, or those with poor circulation or nerve damage. As these individuals are susceptible for various foot injuries.

If you are diagnosed with any of the previous, you must be cautious whenever you feel severe pain, or if your foot starts swelling, or if you already know that you have an injury.

It is always better to prevent the injury than treating it.


Sizes of I-Care AIR WALKING BOOT – Short – LOW TOP:

  • S, M, L.

Properties of I-Care AIR WALKING BOOT – Short – LOW TOP:

  • The aircast walking boot is made of hard polymer to provide maximum immobilization to the foot area.
  • It has an installed air pump system to promote compression and provide comfort, breathability, and pain relief.
  • It is lined with a cushioning layer of the finest materials, to help to prevent allergies and irritation.
  • It is supported by two metal pillars to help in assuring the immobility of the foot and the ankle, as well as, prevent any re-injuries.


  • When your foot bones, ankle, soft tissues, or muscles are injured, they must be put to rest.
  • Depending on the severity degree, the type of support is designated, so this aircast walking boot is for moderate and severe injuries that require maximum stabilization of the foot.
  • It prevents the angels of movement of the foot, it alleviates the weight on the foot, and it provides compression to warm the injured area and to enhance the blood circulation for a better recovery rate.
  • The healing process is always affected by the effort placed on the injured area.
  • As much as you reduce the pressure and the effort, you get a better healing rate.
  • This boot is perfect in helping you prevent future injuries, and to deal with the swelling patterns of your foot during recovery.
  • It is helpful for diabetic or neuropathy ulcers.

Uses of I-Care AIR WALKER:

  • The aircast walking boot is for diabetic and Charcot foot.
  • For individuals diagnosed with neuropathy, repetitive ankle sprains, and poor peripheral circulation.
  • For severe ankle sprain.
  • Foot, toes, and heel fractures.
  • Soft tissue injuries: muscle strain and trauma, ligaments laxity, tendons sprain, and cartilage inflammation and degeneration.
  • For maximum ankle stabilization.
  • For compression, and pain control.
  • Reduces swelling and inflammation.
  • For post-operative rehabilitation.

Benefits of I-Care AIR WALKING BOOT – Short – LOW TOP:

  • Aircast walking boot will help you to reduce the pain and prevent the ankle movement.
  • It will reduce the burden of weight and effort placed on your foot, to prevent fractures and injuries.
  • It will help to treat edema, foot ulcers, and deal with varied swelling patterns along the recovery process.
  • For diabetic and neuropathic foot.
  • For maximum immobilization for the foot to allow the healing of injured bones, soft tissues, and joints.


  • Buy I-Care AIR WALKING BOOT – Short – LOW TOP at the best price in Egypt.
  • I-Care AIR WALKING BOOT – Short – LOW TOP is certified by the FDA.
  • I-Care AIR WALKING BOOT – Short – LOW TOP is 100% original.
  • Get I-Care AIR WALKING BOOT – Short – LOW TOP now and enjoy our best deals.
  • I-Care AIR WALKING BOOT – Short – LOW TOP is in a new condition.

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S, M, L

31 reviews for Short Air Walking Boot | I-Care

  1. بيشوي ادوار (verified owner)

    اولا هذي الشركة احبها كل شي اخذه منها جميل ومفعوله واضح

  2. Yasmine Elbehiery (verified owner)

    ممتاز والجودة رائعة اخترته بعد ماسمعت نصيحة حد من الفريق

  3. yasmin hesham (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  4. ahmed el-masry (verified owner)

    المنتج وصل في المعاد اللي بلغوتني بيه و من احسن الشركات اللي اتعاملت معاها

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    انا عايزه اقولك كنت محتاره بجد فا حقيقي شكرا اوي على ترشيحك ومساعدتك

  6. Noha Essam (verified owner)

    ميرسي بجد انتي جميله وتعاملك ذوق جدا جدا

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