Silicon heel cup cushions | Soft step
Product information
· Production of Soft Step, Turkey.
· Silicon heel cup for lowering heel pain.
· It is suitable for heel spurs and inflammation.
· Made of best quality materials.
Silicone heel cushions | Soft Step review
Silicone heel cup is suitable for athletes, people with heel spurs, and people who stand up for long times.
All of these cases face heel tissues inflammation which results in huge amount of pain. Since your feet are the little things carrying your body, they should be comfortable and painless.
Cases of heel spurs, where people have calcificated extra parts in their heels, feeling like a needles prickles. They most of all need that silicone cup to relief pain and manage inflammation.
it is made of great quality silicone preventing slipping. And suitable for all shoes types.
Silicone heel cup| Soft step properties
· the silicone cushioned is made of dense silicone to provide comfort, support and
· The blue spot at the center of the cushion, provides extra comfort for the heel.
· The silicone heel cup fits all types of shoes.
· It is odorless.
· Silicone heel cup is washable and reusable.
Silicon heel cup cushions Soft step uses
· It is used for cases of heel spurs.
· Silicone heel cup is also suitable for those who stand up for long times.
· It is suitable for runners, and people who walk long times.
· Silicone heel cup decreases the harmful effect of bad quality shoes or bad ground.
· Anti-slipping.
· It is really helpful for athletes.
· It provides support and increases foot endurance.
· It suits all types of shoes, whether work shoes or sport shoes.
· It lesser the pain caused by high heels.
· It gives you extra 2cm length.
Silicone heel cup | Soft Step available sizes
· S/ M/ L.
Silicone heel cup| Soft Step usage instructions
· If you are suffering from any severe condition, it is best to consult your physician.
· If you suffer from any skin allergies, or susceptible for any type of allergies, it is best to consult your physician.
Silicone heel cushions| Soft Step washing instructions
· It is to be washed by hand, with water and soap and leave t dry in air.
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