To understand the importance of using adjustable hinged knee brace, we first need to understand how the body works in cases of knee injury.
When the knee is injured, its mechanical move is directly affected.
Depending on the type of injury, these symptoms can occur (Bruising, inflammation, ligament tear, tendon rupture, cartilage torn, bone dislocation, and bones break).
The brace can mainly help the moderate and severe injuries. The injured area must rest, to allow its parts to heal properly.
Any injury directly causes inflammation, pain and mechanical difficulty.
The brace helps you to stabilize and rest your injured knee joint, it will support your movement without adding too much pressure on your knee, to prevent re-injuries.
adjustable hinged knee brace also helps conditions of arthritis, stiffness and as protective measure for athletes, or those who are susceptible to knee injuries.
Sizes of adj. hinged knee brace:
- Adjustable, fits all sizes.
Properties of Adj. Hinged Knee brace:
- Made of high quality materials.
- Comfortable lining. Your skin is protected against allergies and itching.
- It is provided with an angle adjuster to specify the bending angle of the knee joint.
- Practical, easy to use and easy to customize.
- Supported with 2 solid side pillars to provide adequate support.
- adjustable hinged knee brace is used to fix your knee joint at a certain position to help it to heal from injuries.
- It is used to provide compression to accelerate the healing process.
- It is used after having a surgery to help the patient control the knee movement, and to support walking.
- It will help in preventing re-injuries after surgery because it keeps the knee intact.
- It will decrease the pain and inflammation.
- It is also used in cases of fractures, tendons’ and ligaments’ injuries.
- It helps ease the pain resulting from injured cartilages and arthritis.
- You can use it to protect future injuries.
Uses of adjustable hinged knee brace:
- It helps the treatment of the following:
- Post-surgical rehabilitation.
- Runner’s knee.
- ITBs (Iliotibial band syndrome).
- Osteoarthritis.
- Arthritis.
- Chondromalacia patella.
- Chondromalacia knee.
- Chondromalacia ligament degeneration.
- Patellar partial and complete dislocation.
- Femoral ligament injuries.
- Patellar tendonitis.
- Knee pain.
- Knee joint stiffness.
- Athletic precaution.
- And general knees injuries.
Benefits of adjustable hinged knee brace:
- Using the knee brace during injury benefits you a lot, it will prevent re-injuries.
- It accelerates the healing process rate.
- It will reduce the pain and the inflammation.
- It will support sufficient compression and alleviates overload on the knee.
- It helps you protect your knee in case of excessive mechanical effort, and reduces the chances to develop arthritis.
- It supports the proper mechanical function of the knee.
- It provides you the ability to fully or partially stabilize the knee joint.
adjustable hinged knee brace
- Buy Adj. Hinged Knee support at the best price in Egypt.
- Hinged Knee brace is certified by the FDA.
- Hinged Knee brace is 100% original.
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