Varicose Veins Compression Stockings above knee | Germany

1,100.00 EGP

  • The Varicose Veins Compression Stockings is important for varicose vein conditions.
  • It is important for (DVT) deep vein thrombosis condition.
  • It compresses the surface veins and arteries to maintain the proper functionality of the valves.
  • It enhances the backward blood streaming back to the heart.
  • Made in Germany.
(31 customer reviews)
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The Varicose Veins Compression Stockings is like an elastic sleeve that is made if special fabrics for legs,
which compresses the surface vessels to improve the back streaming of the blood to the heart and reduces the pain caused by varicose veins.

To have a better understanding of the importance of the stock, we need to understand what is varicose veins.
Varicose veins also known as spider veins, is a condition happens when the valves of the veins are not functioning properly, the veins are the vessels that return the blood back to the heart (part of the circulation process).
This dysfunction results in accumulation of the blood in the veins, especially in the legs, because they are the farthest from the heart.

The veins then are dilated, swelling, become heavy, and aching. The stock compresses the leg, it results in adjusting the valves of the veins to function properly and reduce the aggregation rate of the blood.

It is beneficial for you, if you’re diagnosed with varicose veins, especially, if you sit or stand for long periods, putting your legs in a vertical position.

It reduces the pain and the swelling, and helps to avoid flaring up of the condition.

Varicose Veins Compression Stocking price

Compression stocking is available at El doctorz at price EGP.

You may also like German Medi varicose vein stockings below knee to prevent vein thrombosis and cure Varicose veins

 Sizes of Belsana Varicose Veins Compression Stockings:

  • S, M, L, XL.

Properties of Belsana Varicose Veins Compression Stockings:

  • The The Varicose Veins Compression Stockings is made of best materials.
  • Amazingly durable.
  • Made of 46% polyamide, 31% Elastin, 23% cotton.
  • Applies 3 levels of compression depending on the chosen size.


  • The compression stockings is important for varicose veins and (DVT) deep veins thrombosis conditions.
  • The varicose veins are shown as swelling and heaviness feeling in the legs, it also causes pain and appears as blue, purple, or red in colors.
  • Varicose veins is more common in women, but it affects 25% of the adults, pregnancy, menopause, aging, and genetic history are factors increasing the chances to develop varicose veins.
  • Once diagnosed with varicose veins, it is best to use the stock with moderate compression grade, but of course, the mild compression can do well.
  • The legs are the most common areas that the varicose veins are located, because they are the farthest from the heart, adding to that, the gravitational factor makes it harder to the veins to retune the blood to the heart.
  • At a severe level, a blood clot may occur at the deep veins of the legs “commonly”, but it can also happen at any part of the body.
  • When a clot happens, it causes a condition called (DVT) Deep Veins Thrombosis, in this case we need to apply a high compression level, to maintain the functionality of the valves of the veins and reduce the chances to develop more clots.
  • The compression stockings helps the treatment of the ulcers that can result due to varicose veins, and it reduces the risk rate as well, ulcers can be very harmful.
  • Medical tip: It is best to keep your legs at a horizontal position as much as possible, avoid putting your legs in a vertical position as much as possible, and use the stock once you wake up, and before you put your legs down to the floor.

Uses of Belsana Varicose Veins Compression Stockings:

  • The compression stockings is used for varicose veins.
  • For deep veins thrombosis.
  • It supports the legs to stream the blood back to the heart and improve the blood circulation.
  • Reduce the risk rate of blood clots.
  • To adjust the valves of the vein, to make them work properly.
  • To reduce pain, swelling, and dilation degree of the veins.
  • To reduce the effect of the long periods standing, sitting, or walking.

Benefits of Belsana Varicose Veins Compression Stockings:

  • The compression stock adjusts the valves of the veins and aid them to avoid blood accumulation.
  • It controls the swelling, pain, heaviness feeling, and the leg discomfort.

Belsana compression stockings:

  • Buy Belsana Varicose Veins Compression Stockings at the best price in Egypt.
  • Belsana Compression Stocking is certified by the FDA.
  • Belsana Compression Stocking is 100% original.
  • Get Belsana Varicose Veins Compression Stockings now and enjoy our best deals.
  • Belsana Compression Stocking is in a new condition.

Additional information


S, M, L, XL

31 reviews for Varicose Veins Compression Stockings above knee | Germany

  1. Yasmin Mokbel (verified owner)

    الجودة رائعه و المكونات غنية عن التعريف

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