Gel Bi-Axle Flamingo Hinged Knee Brace is a supportive tool used for unstable knee conditions.
The knee joint includes 2 main joints, they function to connect the leg bones (Tibia and Fibula) to the thigh bone (Femur). The knee joint also includes the patella (AKA kneecap) is a triangular bone that is articulating with the knee joint and mediates between the knee joint and the fibula (the smaller bone the leg).
The bones of the knee joint are all covered with cartilages. They initiate the joint moves through a series of ligaments and tendons.
Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee Brace can help support the normal of knee joint movement in conditions such as:
- Mild and moderate ligament laxity: this condition results in unstable knee movement; an individual diagnosed with this condition can feel unbalanced while walking and standing.
- Genu Recurvatum (Hypermobility syndrome): this condition describes having a wider range of motion than normal at the knee joint. In some cases, the hypermobile joint can lead to several consequences such as (joint inflammation (Arthritis), degeneration of the cartilage, joint pain and higher joint injury risk such as torsion of the ligament).
- It helps the treatment of patellar dislocation by stabilizing the patella by the circular hole opened in the brace: the patella is a triangular bone tissue connected to the knee joint, it has a mechanical function that generates the knee moves (Extension and flexion). This bone can slip off its position (Partially or Entirely) and cause these symptoms (joint stiffness, joint pain, abnormal movement, pain while walking and standing, and inability to properly extend or flex the knee joint).
- It is used for post-op knee recovery: after all knee surgeries, the patient has to follow a rehabilitation plan. This brace aids the movement of the knee, to be easier during rehabilitation exercise while supporting the knee to limit the range of motion to prevent reoccurring injuries.
- Finally, Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee Brace is used to enable the injured tendons, ligaments and bones to heal aptly, it helps to relieve knee joint pain and reduce inflammation, and it can be used for a precautionary act to avoid knee injuries.
Sizes of Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee Brace:
- S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL.
Properties of Gel Bi-Axle Flamingo Hinged Knee Brace:
- It is composed of elastic fiber for a controlled but comfortable movement.
- It is provided with a while to stabilize the patella.
- The fiber is breathable and causes no allergies nor irritation.
- It has varied sizes for proper fit.
- The brace has straps to customize your exact size.
- It is supported by 2 aluminum pillars for a restricted range of motion.
- Easily dressed and undressed.
- Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee Brace provides the proper stabilization of the patella to treat patellar dislocation, and it alleviates the stress over the patella.
- It enhances the healing process of different knee injuries by providing proper compression and a controlled range of motion.
- It is used post-knee surgeries for proper support, optimal rehabilitation and normal healing progression while avoiding injuries re-occurrence.
- It is used during the recovery process of inflamed tendons, ligaments, patella, and the whole joint.
- It is used to ease the pain and to avoid future injury incidents.
- Professional athletes can use it to prevent their knee injury and to support their fast movement.
Uses of Gel Bi-Axle Flamingo Hinged Knee Brace:
- It is used after knee joint operations.
- It is used to support knee joint inflammation treatment.
- It is used to relieve the knee joint pain.
- It decreases the pain of stiff knee joint and supports the movement.
- It helps to have an almost normal or normal movement in the condition of ligament laxity.
- It eases the pain resulted from arthritis.
- It promotes the treatment of all knee joint injury types.
Benefits of Gel Bi-Axle Flamingo Hinged Knee Brace
- Using this brace will help you avoid knee injuries.
- It will provide support for the unstable knee joint.
- It will provide you the ability to control the knee joint range of motion, to prevent re-injuries postoperatively.
- Its elasticity yields ease of movement.
- It will work on decreasing pain and inflammation.
- It stabilizes the patella and reduces the pressure over it for proper healing.
- It supports and eases the pain in conditions of stiffness and arthritis.
- Suitable for day to day activities.
- It helps athletes avoid knee injuries.
Gel Bi-Axle Flamingo Hinged Knee Brace
- Buy Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee support at the best price in Egypt.
- Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee Brace is certified by the FDA.
- Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee support is 100% original.
- Get Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee support now and enjoy our best deals.
- Gel Bi-Axle Hinged Knee Brace is in new condition.
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