R.O.M. Knee Brace helps to rehabilitate the knee to perform daily activities again in just a short amount of time, in addition to controlling the movement of the knee joint, which helps to achieve flexion and stability.
Flamingo R.O.M. Knee Brace Uses
- Control the angle of flexion and extension of the knee to support it after injuries.
- Knee rehabilitation after surgery.
- The Flamingo Counter Articulation Knee helps to treat fractures, cracks, ligament tears, and sprains in the leg and knee.
- The use of a metered articulated medical knee brace helps in the physiotherapy period after injuries and surgeries.
- The medical articulated knee splint helps in adjusting the structure and movement of the knee based on the injury and the need of the knee, through those in it.
- Wearing a long meter articulated knee limits and controls flexion and extension of the knee.
Flamingo R.O.M. Knee Brace Features
- The meter in the articular medical knee helps to control the extent of flexion and extension of the knee, based on the degree of flexion and individuality determined by the doctor.
- The Flamingo Articulated Medical Knee Support has side hinges to make it strong and easy to bend and straighten.
- It is made of the finest materials to prevent allergies or rashes, in addition to that it is equipped with a lining to give the patient more comfort.
- Controllable and adjustable pressure placed on the knee.
- Easy to control its length.
You may also like: Adjustable Hinged Knee Brace Tynor
Flamingo Long Meter Articulated Knee Measurements
The Flamingo Long Meter Articulated Orthopedic Knee is one size fits all, easily sized based on calf, thigh, and knee size.
R.O.M. Knee Brace price
Available at El doctorz at a discounted price, 2000EGP per piece.
How to wear and use
- Loosen the ties and the metal bracket or counter.
- Have the patient lie on his back.
- Tie the two or two straps that you loosened above the knee and at the groin area and the other two straps below the knee.
- Place the metal brace on either side of the knee.
- Tie the belts around the knee and secure them to the belt entrances.
- Set the timer to the setting prescribed by the doctor.
To get the best support get the Flamingo long meter articulated medical knee brace, and you can buy it directly from our website or contact us by phone or WhatsApp through the following number 01017111220
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