
Baby Hip Splint Adjustable | SOFT GUARDS

Original price was: 850.00 EGP.Current price is: 700.00 EGP.

  • For cases of developmental dysplasia (pediatric hip dislocation).
  • It helps avoid surgeries for newborns with condition of pelvic dislocation.
  • It is used in cases of Femur fractures and cracks.
  • In cases of hip dislocation: it stabilizes the thigh movement in a spaced position to maintain a normal hip development.
  • Supports providing a wide range of motion in cases of femur fractures.
  • Supplied with a meter.
(32 customer reviews)

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Pediatric Baby Hip Splint Adjustable+meter is manufactured specifically for newborns (often under the age of 6 months), for a condition called (developmental Dysplasia) Hip dislocation.

This is a known condition occurs to newborns in about 1% of the African population, where dislocation of the pelvic joint occurs during childbirth. This device stabilizes the movement of the thigh bones in a spaced in order to allow the hip to grow and develop naturally, furthermore, to allow the ligaments and the tendons of the hip to support it to obtain a normal future movement.

The child’s body contains his mother’s relaxing hormones in this period of his life, these hormones help the baby recover.

In most cases, the child must wear the device continuously for several weeks and afterwards, during sleep only, for additional several weeks.

This device helps treat cases of cracks and fractures of the femur, as it re-establishes a wide extend of movement for the hip during its growth till it becomes more stable.

Pediatric Baby Hip Splint Adjustable+meter sizes

  • XS / S / M / L.

Features of pediatric Hip Splint + Meter

  • This device is made of the finest and purest materials.
  • It is composed of High-quality materials that provide solid support for the hip joint and the femur.
  • Does not cause allergies to children.
  • With a very soft and flexible cushioning layer, in order to provide your child with absolute comfort and safety.
  • Easy to put on and take off, so as not to disturb you or your child.
  • Pediatric Baby Hip Splint Adjustable Provided with a digital meter.

Pediatric hip splint+meter description

  • This device promotes the normal maturation of the hip joint and provides support for ligaments and joints to stabilize the pelvic joint.
  • It supports the growth of bone cells in cases of cracks and fractures of the femur while providing a spacious scope of motion, subsequently, preserving a typical hip development process.

Uses of pediatric hip splint+meter

  • Pediatric Baby Hip Splint Adjustable is used to stabilize the hip joint and support its normal growth for children (under 6 months of age) suffering from a condition called developmental dysplasia or hip dislocation, a condition that occurs during childbirth.
  • This device is used as a primary and effective method for treating hip dislocations in children.
  • This device is used to facilitate heal femur cracks and fractures, without adversely affecting the normal pelvic joint development.

Benefits of Pediatric Baby Hip Splint Adjustable

  • Developmental dysplasia of newborns are not very common, but the incidence rates differ according to race; pediatricians around the world tend to choose pediatric hip splint as a fundamental solution to treat this condition.
  • Babies are small in size and also very young, so doctors do not prefer to cause them struggles by performing surgeries, and thus they opt for the best and easiest for the child and family, which is to use the splint to provide stability to the pelvis and support its normal development.
  • Furthermore, sustain an appropriate distance between the thighs for the child’s hip to continue maturating.
  • If the device is not worn, joint deformity may occur, thereby impeding movement that appears in his inability to walk normally, consequently, performing surgery may be needed to treat this condition.
  • Pediatric hip splint+meter indulge the most suitable and effective treatment plan.
  • It helps in treating cases of cracks and fractures of the femur, while aiding the regular growth of the hip, thus avoiding any distortions or movement disabilities.

SOFT GUARDS; Pediatric Hip Splint + Meter

  • Buy Pediatric Hip Splint + Meter at the best price in Egypt.
  • Pediatric Baby Hip Splint Adjustable + Meter is certified by the FDA.
  • Pediatric Hip Splint + Meter is 100% original.
  • Get Pediatric Hip Splint + Meter now and enjoy our best deals.
  • Pediatric Baby Hip Splint Adjustable + Meter is in new condition.

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XS, S, M, L

32 reviews for Baby Hip Splint Adjustable | SOFT GUARDS

  1. ابتسام السيد (verified owner)

    اختي استخدمته و فعلا حاسه بفاعليته الرهيبه

  2. صبرى أمين (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  3. Dina Gamal (verified owner)

    كل المنتجات جودتها عاليه وفى مصداقيه كبيره اوى فى التعامل

  4. Rana Nagy (verified owner)

    المنتج كان كويس جدا ومفيد والنتيجه احسن من ما توقعت

  5. فاطمه محمدي (verified owner)

    حبيبتي مساءالفل …اه المنتج لحد دلوقتي تحفه بجد ومكنتش متصوره النتيجه أصلا

  6. Mai Zaki (verified owner)

    فيه تأخير في الرد

  7. دينا طارق (verified owner)

    بصي انا بتعامل معاكو علطول فا مش عايزه اجيب من برا فابليز حاولي توفريلي المنتج بسرعه

  8. Mohamed Gaber (verified owner)

    شكرا لذوقكم و خدمه التوصيل و منتجاتكوا الرائعه

  9. Rebecca ibrahim (verified owner)

    بقالي شهرين بتعامل معاكوا و بجد مفيش مره متبسطش من المنتجات

  10. ماهر كامل عبيد (verified owner)

    شكرا جدا والله تعبتكو

  11. SARA Alsanafery (verified owner)

    نصحني به احد الاصدقاء ويقول انه مفيد ونتائجه رائعة

  12. nourhan Ibrahim (verified owner)

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  13. يوسف عرفه (verified owner)

    اسعاركو بالنسبه للشوفتها برا كويسه جدا

  14. Wafaa Ashraf (verified owner)

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  15. محمد السيد زيدان (verified owner)

    الجودة مناسبة مرهه للسعر الحجم كبير المكونات جدا جميله

  16. Lina Samy (verified owner)

    الجودة رائعه و المكونات غنية عن التعريف

  17. ابراهيم أبو خضيرى (verified owner)

    انا من اقدم عملائكم وكل مره فعلا بكون مبسوط وانا بتعامل معاكم

  18. عبدالباقي أبوزيد (verified owner)

    المنتج كان كويس جدا ومفيد والنتيجه احسن من ما توقعت

  19. هميس وليد (verified owner)

    من افضل الشركات اللي اتعاملت معاها و مش هتعامل غير معاكوا عشان فعلا منتجاتكوا اصليه و كلها فاعليتها حلوه

  20. احمد محمد حسن (verified owner)

    اختي استخدمته و فعلا حاسه بفاعليته الرهيبه

  21. محمد خالد (verified owner)

    بقيت واثقه في المنتجات اللي بتستخدمها بعد ما اتعاملت معاكوا و دايما كنتوا محل ثقه

  22. Manal Adel (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  23. منه الله يحي (verified owner)

    بصي هي نتيجه بطيئه شويه بس ظهرت بعدين

  24. Hossam Elgendy (verified owner)

    شكرا لحضرتك نتيجه ملحوظه

  25. Bassem Henri (verified owner)

    حلو وشركه جميله تسلمو بجد

  26. محمود عبدالله (verified owner)

    انا الاوردر لسه واصلي وحقيقي مبسوط من السرعه وطبعا التعامل بتاعكو

  27. احمد سامى (verified owner)

    شكرا جدا المنتج وصل زي ما توقعت واحسن غير التغلبف الممتاز

  28. ماجد حسان (verified owner)

    التوصيل سريع و في المعاد المظبوط

  29. امنية عفيفي (verified owner)

    حقيقي منتج ممتاز جدا واول مره اجربه واسعاركو بالنسبه للشوفتها برا كويسه جدا

  30. Yasser hagag (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

  31. Neven Orabi (verified owner)

    اكتر منتج وصلت معاه لاقصى نتيجه واحسن فايده

  32. مهاب احمد

    اه انا لسه كنت هبعتلك .. شكرا اوي وفعلا طلع حلو جدا

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