Clavicle Strap Better Life

160.00 EGP

  • The clavicle strap is designed to support the collarbone.
  • It helps to stabilize the collarbone and reduce pain and inflammation.
  • It corrects the rounded shoulder position.
  • It helps to maintain a stabilized shoulder area.
  • Reduce pain and inflammation of the upper back
(31 customer reviews)

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The Clavicle Strap Better Life is an amazing posture corrector that benefit the shoulders, neck, collarbone, and even the lower back pain.

The strap corrects the positioning of your shoulders and may prevent the rounded shoulders condition over time.

Additionally, as a posture corrector the strap will help reduce the neck tightening because it will improve the lower back pain and reduce the strain of the back as well as the neck.

It stretches the shoulders to become straight and in their correct posture. This way it aids the body to strengthen the muscles and treat inflammation.

The pain will be massively decreased and a feel of comfort will increase gradually. The compression applied by the strap will enhance the circulation.


Sizes of Clavicle Strap Better Life:

  • S, M, L, XL, XXL.

Properties of Clavicle Strap Better Life:

  • The clavicle strap is made of fines fabrics.
  • It is elastic and comfortable.
  • It is processed so as not to cause allergies nor irritation.
  • Fits perfectly.


  • The clavicle strap is a great method to retain the normal positioning of the shoulders, collarbone, the neck, and the back.
  • This way, if you are suffering from any type of injury like trauma, accident, or sports incident, the strap will help to treat and reduce the inflammation and the pain.
  • If you’re suffering sudden pain that isn’t related to an accident, then several other conditions can cause pain, such as osteoarthritis, thoracic outlet syndrome, sleep wrong position, and bone infection.
  • Bone infection is a rare condition, but a surgery or fracture can increase the risk rate of infection.
  • The pain can be due to osteoarthritis causes stiffness, inflammation, and as a result, pain.
  • It also can be due to a condition called thoracic outlet syndrome, it happens as a result of poor posture, repetitive stress, lifting heavy weights, overweight, intense swimming (professional level), and it can be due to a genital defect.
  • Even dislocation is one of the reasons that can cause pain.
  • The strap will help reducing all of the symptoms of any condition affecting the posture or causing inflammation.
  • It will help reduce the pressure placed over the bones and the joints, this way it will allow the body to heal and increase the strength of the muscles, to make it able to function is a better way in the future.

Uses of Clavicle Strap Better Life:

  • The clavicle strap is used for shoulders pain, poor shoulder posture, and rounded shoulders condition.
  • Neck pain.
  • Lower back pain.
  • It is a posture corrector improves the health condition of the backbone in general.
  • Collarbone stabilization, dislocation, inflammation, and pain.
  • It helps in cases of osteoarthritis, bone infections, trauma, sports incidents, and accidents.
  • Shoulders injuries.
  • Postoperative rehabilitation.

Benefits of Clavicle Strap Better Life:

  • The clavicle strap will help you become better and look better.
  • It will enhance all efforts you make and will promote your rehabilitation plan.

Clavicle Strap Better Life

  • Buy Clavicle Strap Better Life at the best price in Egypt.
  • Clavicle Strap Better Life is certified by the FDA.
  • Clavicle Strap Better Life is 100% original.
  • Get Clavicle Strap Better Life now and enjoy our best deals.
  • Clavicle Strap Better Life is in a new condition.

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S, M, L, XL, XXL

31 reviews for Clavicle Strap Better Life

  1. علي محمد (verified owner)

    انا الاوردر لسه واصلي وحقيقي مبسوط من السرعه وطبعا التعامل بتاعكو

  2. منة الله أسامة الشيمي (verified owner)

    منتج رائع! يتوافق تمامًا مع المعايير والصفات الموضحة الموضحة على الملصق

  3. امنية عفيفي (verified owner)

    شكر ليكي وعلى تفهمك وصبرك معايا تعبتك معلش

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  6. شيماء مجدى (verified owner)

    انا الاوردر لسه واصلي وحقيقي مبسوط من السرعه وطبعا التعامل بتاعكو

  7. حسام العبد (verified owner)

    المنتج اصلي وسعره حلو ووصل في الموعد

  8. Madeha Shebl (verified owner)

    الشحن أتاخر يوم

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  17. ندي محمود (verified owner)

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    التعامل معاكم كان ممتاز من اول خدمه العملاء للتوصيل والمنتج نفسه هايل

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  26. Tatyane Santos (verified owner)

    انا عايزه اوردر تاني لو سمحت ضروري

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    المنتج كان كويس جدا ومفيد والنتيجه احسن من ما توقعت

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  29. Adam Mohamed (verified owner)

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    الشحن أتاخر يوم

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