Hinged Knee Orthosis protects your knee against extra pressure and stress, it lifts up the burden and allows its rest.
Rest is very important in conditions of stiff and inflamed knee, it is helpful in easing the pain.
It is also a very useful tool when treating patellar partial dislocation.
Sufficient support period will help you recover fully from inflammation.
Hinged Knee Orthosis helps you mainly in conditions of moderate injuries, but it also can be helpful in certain postoperative rehabilitation.
Sizes of Hinged Knee brace:
- S, M, L, XL, XXL.
Properties of Hinged Knee Orthosis:
- Opened over the patellar region.
- Made of Neoprene (Super elastic material Nobel and does not cause any discomfort, allergies or itching.
- Contains straps to tighten the brace for a 100% suitable size.
- Easy to wear and to take off.
- Elastic doesn’t immobilize the knee.
- Use Hinged Knee Orthosis when you are feeling pain due to sprain, tear or torns.
- It is used to lift the weight over the knee.
- It provides stability for Patella bone.
- It reduces the angle range of the knee to induce tendons’, ligaments’ and cartilages’ healing.
- It can be used after knee surgeries.
- It is used in cases of knee stiffness and inflammation.
Uses of Hinged Knee Orthosis:
- Provides support for cases of unstable knee joints.
- It enhances healing process rate.
- It is used in cases of sprains.
- It is used to cure patellar partial dislocation.
- It is used to support against stress and pressure.
- It reduces pains and inflammation.
- It is used in cases of knee surgeries, as part of the rehabilitation process.
Benefits of Hinged Knee Orthosis:
- When you wear a support brace during injury, you are protecting your knee against the following:
- Increased knee joint protection.
- Stabilizes the patella to heal the dislocation.
- It provides time and time for patients to fully recover.
- It decreases the inflammation and pain.
- It is also used to treat knee stiffness.
- It would help in conditions of inflammations, mild cartilage degeneration and moderate general knee injuries.
Hinged Knee Orthosis
- Buy Hinged Knee brace at the best price in Egypt.
- Hinged Knee brace is certified by the FDA.
- Hinged Knee Splint is 100% original.
- Get Hinged Knee Splint now and enjoy our best deals.
- Hinged Knee Orthosis is in a new condition.
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